Friday, 8 May 2015

Art Video Game Brainstorming

Art video game brainstorming

Trophy hunting/ poaching
I have chosen to make my game about poaching and trophy hunting. A favourite comedian of mine is a huge advocate for animal rights and has made me very aware of the situation going on. I’m quite bothered by what’s going on because I don’t understand how people can kill anything just for sport. I think it is grotesque to kill an animal just for one feature they have that could be valuable. I hope one day that poaching will no longer exist and that those species that are currently endangered will prosper once again.
1)      The instruction screen
·         Picture of the desert
·         Picture of a hunter with it
2)      The game background
·         Picture of the desert still
3)      The question side of cards
·         Bullets which signify the killing of innocent animals
4)      The picture side of the cards
·         Pictures of animals with facts about their population, for example one population being high 25 years ago, and one card from today showing how much it has dropped.
5)      Fonts/game description/messages
·         A description of the purpose of the game
·         The same font (Goudy Stout) for each time there is writing
6)      The lose screen
·         Picture of a happy hunter
·         Desert background
·         Options to play again or not

Refusal of Service in Indiana
·         Match up people with businesses
o   Matching people with places they aren’t allowed to go to
1)      The instruction screen
o   Downtown scene
2)      The game background
3)      The question side of the cards
4)      The picture side of cards
o   Person saying what they need
o   Match it with the right store
5)      Fonts/game description/messages
6)      The Lose Screen, messages

Oil Spill
·         Match up a card with oil on it with an animal

1)      The instruction screen background
o   Oil drum on its side, oil spilling out
2)      The game background
o   Water or a dock in water
o   Or the rainbow stain oil gives off
3)      The question side of the cards
o   Oil drum with question mark on it
o   Or a question mark made of oil
4)      The picture side of the cards
o   Some with pictures of oil
o   Some with pictures of animals being affected by the spills
5)      Fonts/game description/messages
6)      The Lose Screen, messages

Flappy Bird
Religious Freedom vs. Gay Rights
·         Have stores be the pillars
·         Have a person be the bird (or something else representing same sex community)
·         Keep the person away from the stores
o   Shows discrimination towards same sex population by not allowing them to get service from a business

1)      The instruction screen background
o   Downtown scene
2)      The game background
3)      The flappy bird graphic
4)      The pipes
5)      Fonts/game description/messages
6)      The Lose Screen, messages

World Hunger
·         Have the pillars be people
·         Have the bird be a piece of food

·         Keep the food away from the people 

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